Category: Ancient Civilizations Rome
The Lost Tomb Of Jesus
Has the tomb of Jesus Christ been found? Since the 1970s hundreds of tombs and thousands of ossuaries (limestone bone boxes) have been discovered in the Jerusalem area. These ossuaries served as coffins in first century Jerusalem. One of these tombs was found to contain ten ossuaries. Six of the ossuaries in this tomb have inscriptions on them. As it turns out, every inscription in this particular tomb relates to the Gospels. This documentary makes a case is made that the 2,000 year old Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth ...
Carthage The Roman Holocaust
Episode 2
Cambridge historian Dr Richard Miles traces one of history's darkest and most compelling stories the superpower rivalry between Carthage and Rome that radically transformed the ancient world. For the victor, the prize was unchallenged imperial domination, for the loser, it was obliteration. Richard Miles, reveals the truth about the Carthaginians, the remarkable and forgotten people. In 146 B.C. Roman General Scipio Destroyed the city of Carthage so painstakingly and utterly that not a single building was left standing. A new archaeological dig by Dr. Richard Miles of Cambridge University, penetrates the burned layer of the Roman holocaust and uncovers fresh evidence ...
Carthage The Roman Holocaust
Episode 1
Cambridge historian Dr Richard Miles traces one of history's darkest and most compelling stories the superpower rivalry between Carthage and Rome that radically transformed the ancient world. For the victor, the prize was unchallenged imperial domination, for the loser, it was obliteration. Richard Miles, reveals the truth about the Carthaginians, the remarkable and forgotten people. In 146 BC Roman General Scipio Destroyed the city of Carthage so painstakingly and utterly that not a single building was left standing. A new archaeological dig by Dr. Richard Miles of Cambridge University, penetrates the burned layer of the Roman holocaust and uncovers fresh evidence ...
Engineering An Empire
Rome Part 1
Leaving the dusty history books behind, Engineering an Empire takes to the streets, as well as the sewers, mountaintops, jungles and beyond, to trace the magnificent physical achievements and technologies of past societies. Engineering an Empire circles the globe to re-examine history's most magnificent civilizations by surveying the architectural and engineering triumphs they left behind. CGI graphics and location footage reanimate the ancient streets, while expert interviews trace the rise of each empire and the technological achievements that paved the way for their gravity defying masterpieces. Host Peter Weller, RoboCop actor and lecturer at Syracuse University, travels around the world and, assisted by cutting edge computer renderings and note perfect dramatizations, far back in time to chronicle the innovation and architectural brilliance that gave birth to modern civilization. Episode Rome - One of the most powerful civilizations in hiStory the Roman Empire ruled the world for more than five centuries ...
Britain A.D.
Episode 1 King Arthur’s Britain
Britain AD - which accompanies and expands on Britain BC Francis Pryor traces the story of King Arthur back to its ancient origins. Putting forth the compelling idea that most of its key elements are deeply rooted in Bronze and Iron Ages he argues that the legends survival mirrors a flourishing indigenous culture that endured through the Roman occupation of Britain and the subsequent invasions of the so called Dark Ages ...
Cities of the Underworld
Rome’s Hidden Empire
Get to the bottom of the world's great cities - literally! Sink into subterranean discovery lead by intrepid explorers Eric Geller and Don Wildman. With each step below street level you travel back decades even centuries, into the fascinating past of the world's great cities. What mysteries await discovery in the dark corners of these subterranean realms? This is the stuff of fantasy exploring secret chambers and forbidden passages beneath city streets, unlocking mysteries of the past and discovering forgotten relics. Episode 4 Rome's Hidden Empire Rome, Italy - Eric Geller, with the help of experts on Roman history, archeology, and architecture, explores the ruins that lie beneath the city of Rome. He focuses on a pagan temple devoted to the worship of Mitheras; an ancient apartment building known as the Vicus; Domitian's stadium; the functions and buildings belonging to the Basilica; Roman contributions to architecture; and Caesar Augustus' efforts ...
Cleopatra Portrait of a Killer
Cleopatra Portrait of a Killer New forensic evidence tells a sinister tale of love and power in Ancient Egypt. Described as a great queen a beautiful lover, and a political schemer, Cleopatra is one of the greatest icons in history. However, with almost no remaining evidence of her existence, details of Cleopatra's life have remained a mystery - until now. In one of the world's most exciting finds, archaeologists believe they have discovered the skeleton of Cleopatra's sister who was murdered by Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Journeying from Egypt to Turkey, Cleopatra - Portrait of a Killer uncovers the story of a ruthless queen who would kill her own siblings for power ...
The Myth of Masada
John Rhys-Davies hosts this 1991 series that explores various archeological subjects and their link to stories of the past. The show explores the efforts of archaeologists and the methods they use to discover the answers to these mysteries. The Myth of the Masada - Although almost twenty-five years have passed since the end of Israel's most ambitious archaeological undertaking, the name of this site, Masada, still exerts romantic appeal. For many Israelites and visitors to Israel, the isolated, flat-topped rock in the Judean Desert remains the most visible symbol of the power and significance of modern archaeology ...
Caesar’s Nightmare: An Ambush in the Forest
John Rhys-Davies hosts this 1991 series that explores various archeological subjects and their link to stories of the past. The show explores the efforts of archaeologists and the methods they use to discover the answers to these mysteries. Caesar's Nightmare: An Ambush in the Forest - In 9 AD, an arrogant Roman general, Publius Varus, anticipated that he would easily suppress several rebellious Germanic tribes, after which he could leisurely march his troops to their winter campsite. Unfortunately for Varus and three of Rome's crack legions, he walked into an elaborate and well-organized ambush ...